Equivalent of the 3 Tenors
They are what Pavarotti, Domingo and Carreras are to the Opera. The 3 errr.... I can't think of a suitable word, not quite DIVAS, (only one of them is a true blooded diva)....
Anyway, I was referring to the Charity Combat event held in the Curve on Saturday. 1½ hour class, taught by FCI, FDI and No 1 in Tianjin. It was my first exposure to the new release, and I have to say, I love the music and the movements. Okay, I am not lithe enough to do those flying side kicks, AND in any case, with that kind of crowd, I reckon it can be quite hazardous. That pummeling move in the muay thai from SO WHAT is also back, in the current muay thai track.
I couldn't help thinking, seeing them on stage, all synchronised, that those three could have been male dancers in some seedy bar, without much problem. All three have vastly different styles. For the We Will Rock You muay thai, (which I lurve), FDI suddenly burst into a Can Can move instead of doing knees. He's hilarious. Well, since 2 days have elapsed since the event, I can't recall much detail anymore. It was like a reunion, FCI's normal crowd in MJH, and FDI's normal crowd on Saturday, (except sunshine...where oh where did sunshine go? Behind the clouds) so people like Megs and THX (or is it Dolby) were there too. Haven't seen them in ages. Sidekick was there this time. Presumably No1 in Tianjin's fans were there too. Choobacca was also present. Lots of instructors milling around too, FSI was guarding the entrance to the sacred lair, bumped into OFPI (outgoing Fave Pump Instructor), who has lost a lot of weight, and didnt appreciate me saying he looked so skinny, like gollum. YI, Riyo....Boy Robin...
Actually FDI sent me some pics but its on another pc, so will post them once I get home.
Oh, Merry Christmas everyone.