Yay, Mr Cool Is Back
The stars were finally aligned for me to grab the opportunity to attend Mr Cool's lunchtime pump class on Tuesday. The kids schedule, the availability of transport, etc etc.... AND the fact that I missed FPI's Monday class coz it was a public holiday, and chap gohmei, and I was getting wasted on champagne while gambling.....
Initially I thought I had stumbled into the wrong class....it felt like the British Women's Association Pump Class... everyone there was an expat wife....fortunately, the others started trickling in, and by the start of the class, it was a pretty respectable number for a lunchtime crowd. Certainly far far more crowded than the Tuesday 5.40 class in Manulife.
Yeah, Ben Sim is in a league of his own. No doubt about that. The bar seems to be a natural extension of his body, and the cueing etc all so natural, as if he speaks it in his daily conversation. I love that he teaches and reminds you how to breathe. I think he has gathered quite a following in his tuesday class. They really should slot him for more classes.
I had done the Gasing Hill hike the day before, (Monday), and it being my viriginal hike, I expected massive aches all over, but surprisingly, there were none. However, the same cant be said after Ben's class. I am aching all over, (also I haven't done pump for a couple of weeks), from my breast....oops, chest, to my legs. Damn good workout.
Anyhow, despite the erratic gym attendance during this CNY period, one mustn't forsake one's friends, and well, a picture speaks a thousand words.

finally an update!! :)
you didn't mention the broken throne!!!!
Agreed......More classes for Mr. Cool, please!
Shades.......shhhhhhhh!!!! Hahahahaha!
mr. cool is so cool. heehee. =) too bad his slots always clash with my time. doesnt get chance to attend his class nemore.
he replaced manja on Thursday morn. It was awesome so many old tracks that I've not done in a long time. Reminded me of Wenisa's classes. BTW doesnt mean I dont enjoy my dear son's class (just in case he reads this!!)
wah, i baru read this....
Next time we go for RPM togeder-geder. Then u can observe whether the bike pedal is an extension of his legs...:)
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