The Partial Popping....
In the previous episode of Fatboybakesatgym, ...there was food involved....
In this episode, yeah, well, there's food involved again....
Twas Lionheart's surprise birthday, about 2 Tuesdays ago.

Yeah, so, gosh, my gym membership has been severely underutilised. I don't think I went to the gym at all in that week of Lion's birthday.... at least, not to Fitness First. ExFCI did drag me along to Pushmore gym, for a free trial class....I swear he's trying to kill me.
Yeah, I shoulda had a clue, when we arrived, and the few people there were all young enough to be my spawn, and half my weight. As the owner, Jonathan (ex trainer and GXI in FF) ran us through the concept, and made us sign the indemnity form, and as I felt the life force drain from me the way money is drained from the BN coffers, we started. The warm up was 5 minutes of SKIPPING. SKIPPING!!!!! I HAVEN'T SKIPPED (with a rope) since Form 5 I think, when I was at least 30kgs lighter. Thump thump thump. I felt sorry for my soles and ankles.....I felt like the little mermaid, who had given up her tail for legs, where every step was like walking on nails...(read the original Hans Christian Andersen, not the romanticised Disney one)....
Then the next phase, in between warm up and main workout....situps, pushups, chin ups, (which obviously I cant do), .... THEN, came the real thing. Kettlebells, burpees, Handstand pushups or tricep dips (guess which ones I did), and box err..... jumps? Shudder..... anyway, gosh, the sense of achievement after that was enough to make me want to open a case of champagne...(which I did, the next day)....
Highly recommended for the young and adventurous seeking an alternative kind of workout. Thanks Jonathan for the free trial, and thank you, Hero, for dragging me along. By Sunday, the body was entirely paralysed....
Twas back to routine again on Monday, Pump with JPS. Lionheart wasn't there, and JPS was late, so he stuck to the 45 minute routine, and therefore it was quite an easy class, mercifully.
Tuesday was combat as usual, ...the class was crowded, but mainly with newbies. It's becoming a less and less familiar crowd. Also, quieter.... these young folk are not as inclined to shout as the people of old. However, it was very energetic, and a great workout. FCI commented I looked tired. I guess the weekend of partying, plus pushmore's killer workout was really taking its toll.
I was supposed to go for Wonder Woman/FSI's preview step class in Axis on Wednesday, but couldn't because of exhaustion. She sms-ed, "ONE LAST CHANCE, CURVE ON FRIDAY".
Good time to utilise my underutilised passport, to which she said, use, use, I'll stamp it and throw in some duty free too. Where's my duty free, Lady....
So I dutifully paid the exorbitant toll to get to the Curve.... on stage were Wonder Woman aka Gorgeous Woman, (depending on who's blog you read), FSI, (still clinging on to his title), and Fetty, a guest instructor from Indonesia. She's great!!! And as for GW, goes without saying la.... she could teach garbage collection, and it would STILL be a great class. Those three on stage are definitely in a different league. BUT, to my horror, they skipped conditioning, as it was a 45 minute class, SOOOO, my cherry is only partially popped!!! (for the new release)....
As I type, she has popped up on msn (bizarre) announcing:
Jacqueline says:
if you would like to be fully popped
wednesday axis 6pm last chance
all 12 tracks
WOW. Yeah, will try to make it.
So, that's the two weeks gone by.....
Lovely episode. One of my favorites.
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