King Of The Jungle, Now King of The Gym
When the King holds court, he really holds court. A group of privileged few (translation : his regular instructors and gym kaki) were invited to Lion's birthday at Max Kitchen. For a food review, and pictures of food, go here.
Anyway, it was a great night of fantastic food, company, laughter, etc. Many thanks to Lionheart and his gracious wife for hosting such a feast.

It's always hard to return to the gym after Chinese New Year. The sheer weight of food amassed is like a prison ball, shackling you down to the very ground you trod, and the resistance faced going to the gym is like swimming upstream in a river of viscous treacle. The amount of yee sang consumed over this period makes you grateful it appears but once a year.
So much so, any little excuse is enough to sway the feeble mind from the path of most resistance. Slight muscle ache, or slight cough (we wouldn't want to infect our fellow gym members surely), or a flatulent stomach, all become very valid reasons for not dragging the sagging butt back to the gym. Anyway, finally on Wednesday, like a butterfly breaking free from its cocoon, I managed to make it to Horny's Pump. Was expecting the other iron lady to be there, but thankfully there was only one, but that didn't mean half the main. On the contrary, that darn biceps track, with the 24 singles finale, was a killer, as were the chest and lunge tracks. Lion was in the house. For some reason, I could hear in my mind, a resounding echo of "Oh Reech........could yew get me a boike please". (private joke) Noble intentions of doing pumbat dissipated like a dew drop in the sahara, as the excrutiating pain from the pump class rendered me semi paralysed.
Yesterday, I decided the old heart needed some pumping, to flush out the cholesterol build up, so went for Body Step. Noticed that FSI has relinquished the Thursday lunch time spot. EFF ASS AIIIII, come back, we need you!!! But ya, it wasn't the lunchtime class I went for, it was the 5.40pm one, previously taught by granny. (gosh, I only dare say these things coz I know the readership of this blog is quite limited).
PT turned Instructor was teaching, making it now my 3rd time attending his class. Well, I dunno if it was by chance, but I'm pretty sure 90% of the tracks were the same as the last class of his that I attended. Not that I am complaining. I actually quite like some of those tracks. Funky music is nice. And that speed track with the half stomps is also quite enjoyable. I didn't realise the extent of the pain from pump until we had to do pushups. Argh, I can feel my chest in pain.
Oh, Gong Xi Fa Cai everyone.
FBB...She did. She called me around 10 mins prior to the start of Horny's rpm and said, "Reech..r u going to Herny's rpm? Am just around the corner. Can u get me a boike?" Hahahahahahahaha...
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