Remember the days of yore, when DYNASTY was THE soap opera? If you don't then you probably do not recognise icons such as Jane Fonda either.
Yeah, anyway, since the last post, did I stick to my new year's semi resolution to go back to routine? Err, if Les Mills = Less Meals, then I must have been attending the opposite of it, More Meals.
Yhsmom very graciously hosted dinner in honor of Sunshine's birthday, at Reunion Bangsar Village II. I has mistakenly informed Leon Lai that dinner was at 7.30pm, and I myself got there at 7.45pm, thinking I was dreadfully late. But turns out, dinner was at 8pm, and factor in the Malaysian timing, no one else appeared till about 8.20pm. Megs appeared, followed by Sunshine, who didn't know the dinner was in honor of her birthday and looked shocked when we all wished her. The hostess then arrived followed by the Lion couple.
As the gym talk progressed, Megs said they should start a series called GYMNASTY, named after DYNASTY. Ah, all the reminiscing about beloved characters like Alexis Carrington Colby Dexter, and discussions about who would suit each role best. Apart from Lionheart being the default Blake Carrington, there were no clear cast characters. Who would play the Cretinous suspected illegitimate son, Adam? Or the superbitch Alexis? Or saccharine sweet but insipid Krystal Carrington? The gay son, Steven Carrington (lots of suitable candidates for this role).
But all I know is this. I think if there ever was a special award for the member who knew the MOST choreography for the Les Mills program, the undisputed crown goes to the Lionheart.
Food was excellent, the hokkien mee in particular, with the deep fried lard (chee yow char) calling out my name. Fatboy, fatboy, eat me, eat me. Afterall, since I've already not gone to the gym all week, might as well complete the iniquitous cycle of debauchery. I shall review the food in the other food blog.

At the ending of the "workout", at about a conditioning track equivalent in a time line, we brought out the cake for sunshine, who exclaimed she hadn't had a birthday cake since she was 9 or 12 or something laidat.

Oh well, one of the greatest side benefits of gymming is defintely the making of friends. For this particular lot, I guess I have Shades to be thankful to. Heh heh. And many thanks to Yhsmom for a lovely dinner.
Whoa. And just on Saturday a friend and us were just singing the opening song! Yes well we never could understand the story in our younger days but the song was nice! :P
Thank you so much to yhsmom for hosting the surprise party, it was indeed lovely! And the amount of thought and effort that went into the pressie and the cake, the delicious ordering of the food, the presence of everyone.....i felt like a little girl so happy that i couldn't sleep the whole of that nite! :p
wow... second mention of me, after SC!!! I'm on a roll...
You coming 16 Feb 4.50pm Curve??
shades: whats SC? oh, shanti combat ah? but she always mentions you ma.
whats happening on 16 feb?
sunshine: awwww....
janvier, when you say "singing the song" you mean humming right? afterall there arent any lyrics. combat today?
Blake Carrington??? Speechless!!! That was a damn good meal, and an even better gathering of gym buddies!! I still remember glued to the chair watching Dynasty in the 80s. Ahhhh...those were the days.. In their gym-alter ego, I would definitely propose Horny to be Sammy Jo, and ur FCI to be Adam(!!!!). Any role for Leon??? Steven Carrington? Or Blake's son-in-law?? Alexis?? Must be someone tuff, nasty and mean in their classes!! I think the crown goes to VERON!!! Hahahahahahah.....
Happy Belated Birthday Sunshine, I didn't know you also January Baby!!
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