Wednesday, December 05, 2007


Pumba = Pump + incomplete Combat.

After a week hiatus from the gym, mainly because of a combo of partying, sick, etc, it was with GREAT difficulty that I had to drag myself to FSI's pump. I was kinda heartened when he declared that he also just returned from a 2 week break from pump. He gleefully declared the squat track to be STILL FEARSOME. Dread!!!!

It was his trademark Voodoo child. I wondered if there was a particular theme of songs for the day's selection....but FSI said he's been playing the same songs for the last 4 weeks. For biceps, he wondered aloud if he should carry 3½ kg, but I remarked he cant, because the defacto GXM, ie, Lionheart was watching from outside. I wonder if the weights are all properly calibrated, coz my 5 kg felt a lot heavier.

By the time it was lunges, I thought my legs were going to give way.

Then it was combat. The class seemed empty at first, but by the end of track 1, it seemed packed, and also seemed rather energetic, since the dynamo cheerleader, Certifiable Steve was in the house. At some point, apparently a hitherto unknown commentor on the blog also joined the class. Anyway, had to leave after track 4 ..... hence the incompleteness.


At 10:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good morning


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