Specially For Shades
Halfway through this dinner, with the rakyat from the Kingdom of the Lionheart......
someone suddenly asked me, how come you didnt invite Shades?
My response: "ARRRRRRRRRRGH, I FORGOT". Sometimes this response is fake, like a convenient bout of amnesia, but this time, it was a genuine, ARGH, I FORGOT! Sorry la Shades, who ask you to never keep in touch.
Aneeeway, I get a text from him, shortly after this boo boo, asking me to attend the new EASY STEP program in FF. Its basically a freestyle class. Jacq, Teoh and Scott had already invited me earlier to their various launches, but alas, I couldn't make it. It was almost as if it were destiny. You see, I had promised my RPM cherry to Shades, but accidentally lost it to Wes Carter and Eric. I'm talking a major cherry, not a cherrylet. A major cherry is a new program, whereas a cherrylet is a new launch of existing programs. Cherrylets are obviously easier to get. Even young Scott has got my cherrylet for the latest pump release, as Kento (Jap Porn Star, JPS) wasn't around.
So, that left only my RPM challenge cherry, but I have never been able to make it, when Shades taught. In a mixture of guilt, and sheer morbid curiosity....I had to make it to Shades FREE STEP class. Shades, a STEP INSTRUCTOR???? Hence the morbid curiosity. It's like a moth being drawn to a flame. In a mad rush, I make my way to the gym, arriving just in time. Shades was sure I had stood him up again.
I have never seen the fler's legs before, and I never realised he was so thin. Usually he wears long pants for combat. And come to think of it, I never noticed them in pump....maybe he wore longer shorts. But these short step shorts really emphasised the fler's lankiness.
I still cant decide what to make of the entire experience. It was easy enough to follow, the class. It was more tiring than it looked, coz there were hardly any breaks. It was complicated to the non body steppers. But this I know, I had finally given Shades my cherry.
And so sweet of him to pick a cooldown song with me in mind.
JPS (current FPI) is on a hiatus for a month, his monday class replaced by Vincent Bong. Another Vincent in that list of instructors. Some of JPS's fans were not amused at his long hiatus. Young Scott, (what shall we call him? Puberty Pump? Aiyo, so rude. Kento was even younger when we first met him....names people, names. Okaylah, PP for now) taught the tuesday slot for all of October, and I have to say, I quite enjoyed those classes. Only problem is, that left me pooped for combat.
Last Tuesday I skipped pump, (PP's swan song for that slot, he's replaced by a hawt hawt HK GXM, June), and went straight for combat. It was a GREAT combat class, if I may say so. Energy packed, and you could really see the enthusiasm in the faces of the younger folk.