October Oridi
Okay, an improvement from my last post, this time the hiatus is only 2½ months.
Well, in that time, I have attended Mr Cool's pump class a couple of times, preceding FCI's combat class. Mr Cool is nothing if not COOL. I love the way the weights just seem to be a natural extension of his body, and he makes it look soooo efffortless. Alas, he has since given up the slot to Scott. Well, I guess if there had to be a replacement, Scott is as good a choice as any. Afterall, I did endorse him in a previous post as "A STAR IS BORN". More about his class later.
Remember my theory about instructor names? How a certain name gives a certain predisposition to becoming an instructor? Anyway, one day, I went for Step, expecting Macho Nippon Lady, but the latter had well, gone on holiday, (to Japan, presumably) and in her place, an Alvin Teoh. An ALVIN ANDDDDD A TEOH!!!! Now, the bizarre thing is, the fler actually reminds me of FSI, Teoh Yee Sin. Of course, Teoh Yee Sin was Mr Female Bachelor in 1985 or so, so TYS is an older (but handsomer la hor) version of this young Teoh....who is also an Alvin. Another name that seems to have spawned a number of instructors is Vincent. Lots of Vincents around. But yeah, back to Alvin's class. Not only does he LOOK like Teoh, his mannerisms and speech actually a bizzarely similar too. And when I mentioned this to him, and his older twin, neither seemed surprised, so obviously, others must have said the same thing. The class was good, energetic etc. Although ahem, I think if you are teaching a class, sleeveless, it would be best if there werent so much undergrowth as to be distracting.
Congratulations to Serena, who has given birth to a baby boy. NOW, COINCIDENTALLY, throughout her maternity period, I am able to attend that slot, coincidentally taken over by Jap Porn Star, (aka FSI - Kento). Now, while it MIGHT seem that I am favouring FSI by attending his FRIDAY as WELL as Monday class, well, if you ever read this, Serena dear, let me assure you its purely coincidence. In fact, I definitely WONT be there tonight. Last week, FSI I think made a special trip to hell to find the worst shoulder track ever. Even regulars, and some heavyweights couldn't complete it. It encompassed doing those bar lifts while kneeling (one leg) on the floor. EUGHHHHH. Wicked. All for Lionheart's pleasure, before the two weeks of new release. We all know how Lion hates new releases.
Combat as usual, has been packed, and very energetic. The latest release is very party like. The class was PACKED. FCI seems very chirpy these days. He's a happy boy. Life must be good. I love the music in this latest release. Alas, I didnt pop my full cherry yet, as I left before conditioning, having just done Pump earlier.
Pump, for the longest time I since I can recall, I did not lose my new release cherry to Kento, but instead, to young Scott, who made his debut for a permanent slot at MML. Lionheart graced the event, like a King attending the launch of a new ship. The young boy must have trembled with fear. Hahah, but I think Lionheart gave him his endorsement.
I also got an sms from Shades a couple of weeks ago telling me to reserve at least one cherry for him, for some new upcoming programmes. What are they I wonder?!!!!
Now, to continue with FF membership or not.....